Android studio IDE Description Tutorial for Beginners Step By Step :
Last Updated on : 5th Apr 2022 20:18:25 PM
In this tutorial we learn all about android studio IDE(Integrated Development Environment) and Project is bassed on IntelliJ IDEA .
Project Structure windows :
When you open android studio by Default, it will show you project structure in android project view. this project view is organized into two modual with source code files and resource files .first is App Modual and Second is Gradle Scripts modual.
Further app modual contains following another Modual:
- manifests : This modual contains the AndroidManifest.xml is a predefined xml file which contain all details about the app name , app theme , activity , services , broadcast receiver etc.bassically describes the structure of an Android app.
- java : It contains java file which is sourse code of an app.
- res :It contain resources file of an app.which are also orgamized in drawable ,layout,mipmap and values Modual.
- drawable :drawable directory stores xml file which is all about graphics that is used to design for screen View and contain images and which is can add custom design to your view or UI elements . supoose we need design diffrent background gradient color of Button or other views .then we create a Drawable xml file and add it in the background of View.
- layout : This directory is used to store Layout xml file of our application (activity_main.xml).and Layout xml File is used to define structure of user Interface(UI).it holds all view and provide possition.such as EditText, Button and other UI elements.
- mipmap : It containining app launcher icons of different resolutions and other icons that that you would be using in your application .
- values : this modual folder holds some predefined xml file such as colors.xml, string.xml, styles.xml and dimens.xml file.
Uses of Xml file in Values Folder :
- colors.xml : This is a predefined xml file which is use to define the color codes for our can modify according to your need and used them in our app from this file.
- string.xml : This xml file is used to store all of the string you would like to display (in Activity or Layout )to the user. You can create strings by adding a new string element and then excess them in your app from this xml file.
- dimens.xml : This xml file is used to define the dimensions of the UI elements.Suppose we need a Button with 50dp(density pixel) height then we define the value 50dp in dimens.xml file and then use it in our app from this file.
- styles.xml : The style xml file store default theme and style for your app .you can also create custom style and theme and provide new look of (User Interface) your app .
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